Quienes Somos

Our Mission

The Catholic Wire is created as a network, with the purpose of hosting all the resources necessary for Christians in our day and age, to come to the knowledge of the truth, in doctrine, morals, and anything that pertains our eternal salvation and the good of the Church and Christendom.

We are aiming to reach, not only those who are already in the Faith, but also those who might be in the search for it, and even those who are morally or doctrinally lost. Our desire is to provide the materials necessary for each particular situation, the information that befits different souls, with different capacities, in order to lead them all, little by little, by the same path, the one set by Our Blessed Lord.

The Goal is great, and we do not intend to reach it with our own strength. We seek not for the completion of it, but our success consists in working as hard as we can, for the salvation of souls, and the greater Glory and Love of God.

Incrementum dabit Deus, si placet, (God will give the increase, if He wills) We will be happy to do our part, with as much Love of God as we can.


Our network is small, but will be designed to host multiple forms of media such as:

  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Video Channels
  • Resources for Download

New content will come up, as the Divine Providence gives us the means to create it.


Our Greatest need at the moment, is to have trustworthy and committed collaborators. All are welcome, Priests and Laity, as long as they are willing to abide by our Pledge, which is found below.

If you would like to cooperate in a more regular and steady fashion, please reach out to our Ecclesiastical administrator, He will be happy to work with you, and provide you with more information.


  1. All the Content of this Network is submitted to the judgment of the Holy Catholic Church, and particularly to that of the Catholic Bishops which to this day hold true to the Catholic Faith. Everything submitted by our collaborators will be reviewed by an Ecclesiastical Editor.
  2. All Collaborators submit to the judgment of the Ecclesiastical Censor, to have their content modified, reviewed, changed or even altogether rejected. Every collaborator will endeavor to practice the virtues of Charity, Humility, Patience and Perseverance, during our labors in this apostolate. Dismissal or rejection, disagreements will not be a cause of disunion. Should separation be necessary, charity will prevail and we will continue in the exercise of charity to one another.
  3. Useless controversies will not be fostered, although the topics might be addressed, our priority will be to keep the truth, the faith and the morals untouched, at the same time promoting the union among the faithful catholic clergy and laity.
  4. The Materials published on our website, in the blog, podcast and video channel, will be provided free of charge, in order to reach the greatest number of souls possible, and attain, with the help of God, more fruit in souls.
  5. Some Materials will be put for sale, if the creation of them requires immediate expense, or expense is needed to keep the project going. (For example, Books, Cd´s, Etc.)
  6. However, since the network will have expenses to face, these will be provided for, by the providence of God, and the donations of our users. Collaborators normally will not receive an economic compensation. This Sacrifice will be done for the salvation of Souls.
  7. Should the amount of Donations exceed the needs of the site, these will be used in the promotion of the site through paid advertisement, donations to Organizations which promote Catholic Missions, and in some cases, the hiring of external agents for maintenance or upgrading purposes.
  8. We place this project with confidence and trust, in the hands of our Blessed Mother of Mount Carmel, Mother of God and Destroyer of Heresies, and those of Her most Holy Husband St. Joseph, and we beseech them to intercede for us, for the sanctification of all those who cooperate with us, the salvation of sinners, and the liberty and exaltation of Holy Mother the Church. That all may love and adore our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Most Holy Trinity, with all their hearts, minds, strength, and souls. Amen.

The Catholic Wire

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